Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It Was A Great Day

We had a scheduled appointment this afternoon in Chehalis to get the water pump fixed or repaired, whatever it would take.  Over the past few days, Bruce had tried everything within his power to find what was wrong.  He checked inside our black satchel from Winnebago that was filled with all sorts of opertion manuals.  He poured over everything that had anything to do with the water pump.  He tried the pump again last night....nothing happened.

It came as no surprise as he was checking through the manuals for our Tour, model 40TD, that the diagrams didn't match up with what he was looking at inside the compartment with the pump.  It is the same case with the tank drain handles and a couple other items.  He's called Winnebago about this interesting situation, and they always give some lame a_ _ answer for this.  So we muddle through or call Winnebago in Forest City.  We have them on speed dial. 

We had some errands to run this morning and then came back, ate lunch, and got the MH ready to roll down to Chehalis.  We completed everything for this process:  pulled in slides, stowed loose items, lowered satellite, warmed up engine, raised jacks and unhooked utilities.  While Bruce was outside, for some reason he decided to give the pump one last try using the switch in the compartment.  Dad-gum if it didn't start up.  He checked the performance using our outdoor faucet and the water pumped out just as it was intended.  The pump had just been frozen all this time, after all.  Today we had a high temperature of over 42F, so that helped a lot.

We called Jim at Uhlmann's RV to cancel the appointment.  Jim told Bruce it was probably the diaphragm deep inside the housing that was so frozen it took almost a week to thaw.  OK, at least we got that figured out. 

Now....here we were with everything in the MH ready to go and no need to go.  We didn't want to waste all of this preparation, so we decided to drive over and get another refill on propane.  Why not?  We drove down on I-5 to exit 99 where there is a Shell Truck Stop called Restover.  It isn't the prettiest place, but the folks there are nice and friendly and the price is fair. 

It was raining lightly but I went out with my camera anyway to take a few photos.  We took 8 gal. to top off the tank to it's required level (which I think by law can only be 80% filled). 

When we finished up with that little chore, we drove back in the rain and got ourselves set up again in Space #114.  11 more days and we'll be leaving.  I checked on the weather page today and the forecast is for more very low overnight temperatures on the 23rd and 24th....17 and 19F.  I was hoping we'd not have to see any more of that for this month! 

So you see....it was a great day!  Another great part of our day was finding our newest "Follower",  Peggy Krepelka.  Peggy makes a total of 32 wonderful people who have decided to watch us live as fulltime RV dwellers.  Thanks, Peggy, for giving us your attention.

Until next time.....so long for now!


Rick said...

It's always nice to find out that something you think is going to cost a couple of hundred dollars turns out to be nothing. It warmed up here a lot too - got to 48F today.

Jerry and Suzy said...

It would have been a shame to waste all that energy of getting ready to move. Had that been us, we might just have kept moving south to warmer climes!

Jerry and Suzy said...

It would have been a shame to waste all that energy of getting ready to move. Had that been us, we might just have kept moving south to warmer climes!

Happytrails said...

Well I guess all things ended well. Kinda ironic that you all were all set up to go and then the pump begins to work, wow! At least it saved you all some money.
Hopefully....no more problems!

I see you have a countdown going till you "hit the road." We are getting excited ourselves.

Take care and I'll pray the weather stays on the warmer side (or at least out of single digits, LOL)