A great big THANK YOU to 2 new Followers....Levonne and tiger-eye. Welcome aboard! I appreciate the time you give to reading my RV travel blog. I hope you enjoy it.
After we toured Canyonlands yesterday we came back to the RV and in the evening I tried to post some pics. I could not get connected with the park's WiFi. I guess it was overloaded or something. So I could not get the post and pics on.
This morning we are getting ready to head on over to Arches Nat'l. Park and I do not have time for a full post. I'll try again this afternoon. In the meantime.....here is Canyonlands.
Until next time....so long for now!
Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick
21 hours ago
Margie, do you use Windows Live Writer? If not, you might want to look into it. You create your post (with photos) OFFLINE, then upload it when you have a connection (like this morning). Great for those times you don't have WiFi - or do, but it isn't usable!
Hope your wifi works later Margie. I'm looking forward to seeing your pics of the Arches National Park.
A little peek at a wonderful place. We'll have to wait until next week, probably, to catch up with you.
Glad to see and hear from you on even a short post, know what it's like spent, from Tues-Mon as real vagabonds with no cell and no wi-fi unless I wanted to drive ten miles once a day to the office for a quick post. Course i didn't miss the lack of phone service as long as no emergenccy came up, just not a phone to the ear type of guy. Have fun and be safe out there, Sam & Donna.
Thank you for the welcome to your site. I've been following you two for a while and realized I hadn't officially signed on. So I did. My name is Ron and my wife is Jacki. We are in the dreaming stage to becoming RVers. I enjoy your writing style and love reading about your travels. Thankyou for sharing. Be safe and a belated happy birthday. I too am just about to turn the corner into the big 6-0.
Thanks for the welcoming comment and I'll return for your next post. Thanks for the canyonlands shot!
Beautiful place! I totally understand the technology glitch. We are in our new site (state park) and have been working nonstop on trying to get a satellite signal. It can get frustrating.
Post when you can and we'll be here to read!!
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
Two thumbs up for Live Writer....just do it:))
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