It seems there is always something to say. Well, at least for me since I talk a lot. I've learned to transform that talking into blogging and I never seem to be at a loss for words. Silence is golden, but I guess not for me.
I got a couple of comments on the header photo I added to this blog. Like Gypsy on her blog, I could not see a way to get the pic centered so it is off to one side leaving all this weird blank space to the right. Not attractive, but I love that photo so much I decided I didn't care! I took that photo when we were West of Crested Butte, Colorado on that 32-mile dirt road. Someday I may get all of these blog layouts and settings right, but I'm not holding out hope at this time. "A man has to know his limitations," said Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry. That goes for women, too.
I also received an e-mail from Cindy that she has posted several comments on my blog and they haven't shown up. So, I'm wondering if anyone else has posted comments and they haven't appeared? I moderate my comments only so that I don't miss reading one. After almost 2 years of blogging I have only rejected 1 comment and that was from somebody wanting to advertise something on my personal space. I would not hesitate posting a negative comment as long as it wasn't totally rude or having improper language. After all, we are all entitled to our own opinions. So it makes me wonder if Cindy is the only one who is having comment publishing issues on my blog?
We will now be leaving La Pine one day earlier than planned. Bruce made an appointment in Eugene, Oregon to get the motorhome serviced at Cummins. Routine stuff but we want to get it done. No time like the present.
I appreciate all of the great comments from folks that have thanked me for posting information on our Hwy. 50 route and the RV park reviews. When I first began blogging it was mainly so family far and near could keep up with what we were doing. From there it morphed into a blog that (hopefully) would also include some useful information from time to time. We all pretty much know what it is like to travel the Interstate Highway system, but traveling those small "blue highways" may be a foreign concept to some RVer's. I was hoping to give readers a glimpse into what some of those fantastic highways were like. We plan to enjoy a few more such routes in future travels. The park reviews are important to me so that I can share some of my opinions on the places we stay along the way. I do my best to be objective, but truthful! So thanks everyone for the comments....they keep me blogging. (and blabbering)
On our way to La Pine from Reno, Nevada we took another one of those small highways, and then an even smaller highway. We started going North on Hwy. 395 toward Susanville, California from Reno. A few miles shy of Susanville, 395 takes a bypass to the east of the town. We wanted to go into Susanville for breakfast at McDonald's (of course). The drive was pretty with the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the west. Susanville has grown considerably over the years. The streets were filled with cars and trucks and there were several fast food chains to be seen, along with a large Walmart.
After we ate our breakfast we decided to take the smaller highway, CA 139, North. We would follow this road to the town of Canby and then a few miles East to where CA 139 turns North. The road climbed higher into the mountains and we had a nice view of Susanville below.
The road was winding and would rise and fall with small mountain passes. We also enjoyed a view of Eagle Lake. We saw very little traffic on this road and it was a beautiful drive, although much slower. Who's in a hurry anyway?
Once we got to Canby and turned North again, we started looking for a turnout or a pull off area to fix lunch. We found one behind another RV that had the same idea. It was nice to sit and eat while looking out at the beautiful scenery that you can see in this area. After eating we continued on into Oregon where we joined with Hwy. 97. It was a good drive.
We don't have a lot of big plans here in La Pine. Wednesday we have a lot of errands planned up in Bend, which is about 20 miles north of our RV park. We always find something to keep us busy.
Hope everyone's week is getting off to a good start!
Until next long for now!
Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick
21 hours ago
Like you, we also much prefer 'the roads less travelled.' We generally only use the Interstates if we have to or want to make up some time reaching our next destination. I am always pouring over maps looking for secondary highways, routes, & roads. Scenery has been one of my prime motivations & if that requires a gravel road then so be it. Always enjoy your descriptive narratives with thoughts, ideas, & views from your.....roads less travelled:))
Boy see how nice some of the smaller two lanes are for scenery, I do miss some of that from when I was driving the coach and we would go on the back roads. You have a really great view from a motor coach and can see all the grteat scenery.Hope you are having fun, Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.
Okay it says my comment has been saved. Lets hope it works.
Cindy and Walker
I hope you are getting this!I will send you an e-mail just in case. Bend Oregon..there is a Carino's Italian food there. The original was in the same building where we ate in New Braunfels.It is our absolute favorite place to eat.You are now only a short drive to Redmond..that is where my Birth mom and brother live.Oh I wish I was with ya'll!! :-(
Have fun..I love to visit Sisters shopping.
Hugs..Cindy and Walker
We really appreciate all your information regarding highways and RV parks. Being that we just started full-timing in a motorhome I (not Mike) am still a little nervous about smaller roads in a 40 ft. vehicle. Are they good roads? Will we be able to find a place to stop? etc. I have often wondered how you all stop at McDonalds when driving the motorhome?? We are learning!!! You all are great mentors!
Take care! Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
Isn't it so nice when you locate a nice area and can just pull over, enjoy the scenery and lunch?
I have been following your blog for several months. Certainly well done and colorful in appearance. Enjoy all aspects of your writings and the rv park reviews are informative.
While not full-timers, the spouse and I have visited 43 states in the past five and half years in the time we have available. Spent many days in hotels/motels when working - no desire to do that thing again -ever! RVs are the only way to see the country.
Happy Days, Martin
Have never taken CA 139, but it sounds like a good blue road! We have enjoyed Susanville and stayed nearby, but I'd have to dig up the records (or ask Suzy) to find out where we stayed.
As for comments being published, I never go back and look to see. Guess when I get the comment off my chest and out of my mind, I figure it's up to the blogger to decide. I've had to dump a couple of comments, same reason as for you. Somebody wants to be negative about what I say, OK as long as they are nice about it!
A few bloggers have mentioned problems with comments the last few days but they seem to have been resolved - for now! Nice pics of the countryside along the small highways. We drove thru Susanville several years ago so I imagine it must have been near, or on, the same highway as you.
Margie, your blog has been helpful to me. I like your style of writing and it has helped me find my own voice in my blogging. I think each person's personality comes out in their blog, which is why we are eager to meet each other in person!
You keep blogging and we'll keep reading!
I had some trouble leaving a few comments yesterday, and I know Sam and Donna mentioned over the weekend they left me a comment and didn't see it show up. But it finally showed up on Monday.. .guess it was floating out in cyber laa laa land!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
I had some trouble leaving a few comments yesterday, and I know Sam and Donna mentioned over the weekend they left me a comment and didn't see it show up. But it finally showed up on Monday.. .guess it was floating out in cyber laa laa land!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
Margie--this may fix your photo at the top:
Paste a copy of it into Paint (Paint comes with Windows usually). Then crop the photo (cut off the blue part) and save it.
Go to blogger layout and replace your current photo with the cropped photo--be sure to check "center" if it is an option.
I think this will fix it..easy to do and worth a stab..just be sure to use a copy--you don't want to edit your original and possibly ruin it.
Yes less people is best :-)
I only wait until I get a msg that my comment will appear after moderator's approval, so I guess they get published.
I'm anxious to get a different picture up in my header, but can't jump the gun - that 5ver is still the only thing I own!
I guess I saw Susanville from a different perspective - driving 50 miles each way from Lassen to buy groceries, get prescriptions refilled, use the internet, etc. The groceries were the only thing I could count on.
we are heading to Oregon next month..Lincoln City..where will you be???would love to meet up??
Sue and Doug....we will be back up in Tumwater, Washington next month. Tumwater is right next door to Olympia on I-5. If you come that way we'd love to meet you both. Hope so!!
Dinah Soar....thanks for the info on the Paint Program. We will see if it works for us at some point soon.
Cindy....your comments came through this time just fine. Thanks
I love your new header picture too! It's beautiful. I have many issues with blogger too. I can't seem to find the time to expirement and possibly work out some of the issues, so I just continue to deal with them. Too bad we didn't know you were passing through Susanville. We're just 30 miles up Hwy 36. As a matter of fact, we had made a run down on Monday to do a Walmart and Safeway run. We were so close! Maybe next time.
Just some info...I've been blogging since 2004 and have never "approved" comments. Each time someone "leaves a comment" I get an email, so I know they left a comment and I can read it and delete it from my blog if necessary. I've never had to delete any comments yet - although I originally was worried that I would somehow get some "spam" stuff, it never happened. I sure enjoy getting comments; they make blogging worthwhile and we make new "friends" that hopefully we'll meet one day. I'll be sticking with you through summer with the grandkids!
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