We are awaiting the RV repair tech. He should be here in about 30 minutes from St. Louis. We called them early this morning and they had to locate a spare tech to come all the way out here into the middle of freaking nowhere!
Let's have a brief history, shall we? Around o-dark thirty this morning we heard the rain begin to fall again. This time it was very hard. Great. This was going to be moving day. We have (had) reservations in Kansas City for 5 days. Anyway no problems so far, and we got up at 6:30 and did the usual stuff and ate breakfast around 8:30. We got prepared to drive out of the Lost Valley Lake Resort and got as far as retracting the leveling jacks. Now the fun began. One was stuck in the down position.
Bruce went out and checked everything and saw that the jack was in so much mud and muck that when we lowered them yesterday the rear passenger one slipped off the board and the foot or plate (or whatever you call it) came up the side and was next to the shaft or cylinder. This morning the jack had come up about an inch off the ground and then stopped. It could not be budged. Neither up nor down would that little booger go.
The system will not allow you to put the RV into drive and move as this is a fail-safe measure so you don't drive forward not knowing you have a problem and bust the thing off completely. So we called a repair facility (without first using any bad words or language at all) and found one open on Saturday and willing to drive a zillion miles to help us out. Of course, this will cost some big money for the travel time, but what are we supposed to do? We don't want to live here in this resort for the rest of our lives.
We called and cancelled our reservation in K.C. on the chance that we don't get out of here for a day or two. If we get out of here this afternoon we can call them back and see if they still have a space. If we don't, we'll be staying here until the repairs can be completed.
The motorhome is still in our RV site, so we reconnected the electric so we can watch TV and use the computer while we wait...and wait...and wait some more. Keep your fingers crossed that this service tech can at least get it retracted safely. We can stop in Kansas City and look for a large Winnebago facility if we need further help.
I did not go out and take any photos of this disaster. Some things you just don't want documented, they are just too irritating.
Until next time.....so long for now!
4 hours ago
Oh Margie I am so sorry to hear about the MH jack not going back up. I know you all are so frustrated. I hope the tech will be able to fix it or come up with something to help you all so you can get to Kansas City. I will cross my fingers. Good luck!
Stay safe!
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
Oh Margie I am so sorry to hear about the MH jack not going back up. I know you all are so frustrated. I hope the tech will be able to fix it or come up with something to help you all so you can get to Kansas City. I will cross my fingers. Good luck!
Stay safe!
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
Bruce & Margie, Sam and I are about 1 hour and 45 minutes from Owensville you have our e-mail address already, If you want he to load a floor jack and a couple bottle hydraulic jacks in the truck and some blocking let us know, he said maybe if you can get the weight off the leveler it will come up. Let us know if you still need help. Sam & Donna.
These types of things are sent to try our patience for sure - and they always seem to happen on weekends! Sure hope the tech guy gets it released without too much trouble. Keep us posted on the outcome.
Hi folks! As I write this comment reply we are on our way to K.C. I'll write a bit about it next time.
I sent Sam and Donna a direct reply to their e-mail regarding their generous offer of assistance. Thanks folks, but we made it without calling in the cavalry this time.
Thanks so much.
Glad to here you guys are up and running. you have Sam on the East side of Missouri and me on the West side.
Not sure what your doing in KC or where you are staying but if you need some ideas on what to see or do let me know and I can give you some ideas on where and what.One thang is have some BBQ we have the best.
If your comming in on Hwy 50 and come thru Raytown,MO thats where I grew up and Mom still lives.
Have a good trip...sorry about the rain.
I'll be interested to hear "the rest of the story." Glad to hear you're back on the road. Were you able to remake your reservations for KC? That's where I had my recent mishap. :(
Good to hear you are back on the road. Travel safe
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