Thanks to everyone for your comments of concern, good luck, and offers of assistance. Fortunately, as I type this post we are on our way west to Kansas City at last. We did make one slight change and we left Hwy. 50 at Jefferson City to go up to I-70. Just for this leg of the trip. When we leave K.C. in 5 days, we'll be on Hwy. 50 once again.
We didn't leave the Lost Valley Lake Resort until close to 3:30 so we needed to bogey down the Interstate instead of poking along a scenic byway. We hope to arrive at the RV park before dark. I called the office to see if we could reinstate our reservation and the old guy on the phone told me it had never been cancelled. Hopefully, he is correct and we will have a space to park when we get there.
The service tech from 3R RV Service Center (Union, Missouri) arrived just after 2:30 pm. He was efficient and seemed to know just what to do and within 20 minutes the job was finished. No serious damage had been done....jack should be fine and dandy tonight when we need to use it. The charge for this repair was $185.00. Really, that isn't bad at all since the guy had to make a service call to such a distance from their shop. It will put a small crimp in the budget for sightseeing in K.C., but that's OK as we will still have a lot of fun.
We have several things planned to do in the Kansas City and Independence area. Some of it centering around another "dead president." We had planned to go to a Kansas City Royals baseball game Sunday afternoon, but that is the item that will be axed from the budget this time around. We'll catch them on the next stop when we will also allow time for a game with the St. Louis Cardinals. It's all good!
As I'm writing this we are still about 31 miles from our exit to the campground. Here in Central Time Zone it is about 6:20 pm. A long and tiring day even though we sat around and did a bunch of waiting. We'll probably just grab a burger tonight for dinner (not White Castle, though) and get to bed early. Tomorrow will be a brand new day. (profound tomorrow would be an old day???)
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.
Special thanks to Sam and Donna for their generous offer to come to our rescue. I don't have a link to their blog now, but please look at my blog roll and find them listed. They are 5th Wheel Vagabonds and really nice folks!
Until next long for now!
8 hours ago
I am so glad things worked out and were just minor. I know it may not have seemed minor at first, but glad things worked out. Even better, you got to follow thru with your plans on going to Kansas. Take care!
Glad to hear that you got your jacks fixed. It's only money, right? LOL
Please give us an update when you make it to the campground.
Great news! Too bad about the cost, but I guess that's the price we all have to pay for being rescued sometimes. At least it got you back on the road, so I'd say it's worth it! Can't wait to see your blog on the Missouri President - he's one of my favourites.
So glad things turned out for the good (a little expensive, but worth it).
This might be a Winnebago bug, we had a very similar problem with the jacks last week less the mud. I got the jack up myself, luckily. In our case it turned out to be the engine batteries (four years old) did not have enough juice to completely open the values. New batteries and a bunch of money and the jacks are working fine again.
Your very Welcome for the thanks, Donna & I were raised to be helpers, Remember the old, " a friend in need". Sam said he was looking forward to driving down their , he didn't know about the RV dealer in Union, you guys were fortunate to find him.He thought the closest big dealer would have been Pacific MO on I-44.Once we hit the road I am sure we will meet up with you folks, plan to spend a full day at the Truman museum in Independence , it is awesome. Sam said the KC ball team is like St Louis, a hundred dollar night for two. Hope you have better luck now for awhile, Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.
Wow life in a motorhome.... BUT the good times sure do outway the troubles. Glad you got it fixed so soon and really that wasn't a bad price. Have fun and looking forward to your post on KC!
Travel Safe!
Hi Margie!
Glad you have the jacks fixed. Are they electric or hydraulic?
Travel safe!
Hello Raider Dave...our jacks are hydraulic. They work fine it was just the plate (foot?) that had slipped out of place and up onto the cylinder preventing it from retracting fully. It got fixed...all is good with the world. At least for the next 5 minutes! LOL
Thanks for leaving a comment.
Glad that everything worked out ok. It's always great reading your blog.
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