Monday, August 31, 2009
Three Stooge's Painting Company
Call us gluttons for punishment, but we offered to help our son-in-law, Darin, paint a bedroom today. Our granddaughter, Mackenzie, wanted her bedroom painted blue. When they moved into the new house 1 1/2 years ago, the builder painted all of the rooms a nice, light taupe color with white mill work. It looks very nice and sophisticated. The girls didn't actually like that color for their bedrooms, so their rooms are getting painted colors of their choice.
Tomorrow is Mackenzie's 8th birthday so we all decided she got to have her room painted first. Thankfully, dear Darin had already painted the ceiling with 2 coats of off-white paint yesterday. All we had to do, then, was paint the 4 walls. Simple? Well, maybe not so much.
Bruce and I have painted rooms in our homes many times. I don't know what the problem was today. This time with Darin, Bruce and I in the one room made it seem like the Three Stooge's were doing the painting. Our daughter, Stephanie, had taped off all the mill work yesterday to help us out. She had to be to work this morning at 3 am, so she wasn't there to help us. (or to see the Stooge's in action)
I put tarps along the wall where we were going to begin. Darin and Stephanie had purchased those painting pad things instead of paint rollers...and we have used those many times also. I got in there and loaded up my pad and began to paint the wall. Uh oh....dang it. There was paint drips on the tarp and then they somehow jumped off the tarp and onto the carpeting. Quick! Get the bucket of soapy water we already had on hand. I guess we knew disaster would strike at some point. Holy cow what a mess. I quickly gave Darin my job after I cleaned up the carpet and I got the little foam brush to do the corners and around the mill work. Darin began painting and we heard...Uh oh. He had been holding the paint tray with one hand and wasn't watching what he was doing and the thing tipped and he dribbled paint all over the front of his shirt and on his shorts. Hey, it could happen to anyone I told him. (secretly glad I wasn't the only stooge in the group) He was now wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts with blue paint decorating the front.
Then we got that mess cleaned up and we began in earnest once again. Pretty soon we heard from Bruce...Uh oh....I've dripped on the carpet where the tarp shifted. OK....soapy water to the rescue. The cell phone rang and I picked it up....Uh paint was on my fingers and now it was on the red phone. Hmmmm. I'll get that cleaned up later. We had spattered so much paint onto the tarps that our feet were getting into it and then we had to be careful when we walked around because we left paint marks on the other carpet. More soapy water to the rescue.
When we were finished with the base coat...groan, it needs 2 coats.....I rolled up all the drippy, paint spattered tarps and threw them into the garbage can. Good idea to just start with fresh, clean tarps I told Curley and Moe. I'm Larry, and I named Bruce Moe, because Moe was usually the more bossy stooge! :) Then I began checking all the carpet to see if I needed to clean up any paint spatters. Oh, only about 127 of them. I set to work cleaning them up.
We ate lunch while the first coat dried. Stephanie came home from work and we sent her to her own bedroom to take a nap. We didn't need a 4th stooge. After lunch, I cut up some fresh tarps and I taped them to the carpet around the walls to try and cover everything without allowing the tarps to shift out of place. It worked better. We got the second coat of paint on the walls and it looked good. We let it dry while we cleaned everything up, including ourselves.
We got that room finished with 2 coats in just the one day. Now, on Friday or Saturday we will tackle Zoey's bedroom. She wants a lavender bedroom. I wonder how Curley (Darin) will look wearing lavender on his clothes this time?
We found a couple of blue paint spots on the white baseboard trim that will have to be touched up with white paint one of these days. In the meantime, quoting my Grandmother...."A man running for his life will never notice it and a blind man would be glad to see it". Truer words were never spoken.
Until next long for now!
Update on Annie the Schnauzer
She is tolerating her 3 new medications pretty well. I stick the 3 pills into a piece of cheese and then poke it back far into her mouth and hope she swallows it. We've been lucky except for one time when she managed to spit just one of the pills out. She has to go back to the doctor in a few days for a blood test to see if the digoxin has to be regulated. I'll ask the doctor at that time about her lack of appetite.
In the past I could hardly get her food into her bowl before she was gobbling it up. Now it can sit in the bowl for hours before she takes a bite or two. We do not push her...we let her decide when she wants to eat and how much. I am hoping this is an adjustment phase with the meds and it will get better in time.
Annie no longer wants to take much of a walk either. Once again...we leave that up to her and if she balks we take her right back to the RV. That might get better in time, also.
It's a good thing we'll be in Tumwater for a few months and she can see her regular doctor. There will be time to get her meds regulated and keep her monitored. She has not had a fainting spell or seizure since last week. We try not to let her get too excited and bring on another episode.
I'll be glad the end of December when we can get her out for some more traveling. Annie loves to go places and see new things just like we do. She really thinks she is people, and we will not tell her any different.
Would you?
Until next long for now!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Saturday...a Lazy Day at Home
Annie has been listless today, taking naps much of the time. Dr. Mitchell said she might be like that for a few days while her body adjusts to the Digitalis. We're giving her all the time she needs, letting her call the shots on what she wants to do.
We ate a Weight Watcher approved sandwich wrap for lunch (still getting those Disney World pounds off) and watched the movie Ocean's 12. It was a good movie, but a bit confusing sometimes with so many characters. It wasn't raining after lunch so we were able to take off for our 1 hour walk at that time. Gotta get those miles in, 6 days a week, whenever possible.
I also got caught up with the laundry by doing 3 tubs of clothes in our little Splendide. I love my little washer and dryer. A few chores here and there today, but mostly reading and watching TV.
After our walk, I began reading the book "Google Blogger for DUMMIES." Please bear with me as I try to improve my blog in the days to come. There are so many things to learn to make it more interesting for my loyal readers. I'm doing my best to figure out the best gadgets to add (or not) and to make mine as interesting as those I'm following as far as the RV life goes. I really enjoy all those blogs on the RV life, fulltimers or part timers.
The sun is shining here in Tumwater this evening. The rain is gone and the sky is a beautiful blue. Life in the Pacific Northwest during the summer months cannot be beat. Still can't keep us here all year, though, as we are always planning a new trip. Love this fulltime RV life!
Until next long for now!
Friday, August 28, 2009
My Life As A Fulltiming Dog -- by Annie the Schnauzer
Living on the road can be pretty interesting for me. Used to be I had a dog door and a backyard to play in. No more dog door, but I have a lot more space in the great outdoors to play in now. (I've had some major troubles lately and you can read about that further on in this post) I always get excited on travel days when I see Mom moving the slide rooms in and when Dad goes outside to unhook our utilities. I know just what is going on. I always jump up on Dad's driving seat so I can look out the big window and watch what is going on.
Our Winnebago has these great windows by the dining table that are way down low. I think they might have been made just for me. Ya think? Anyway, it gives me a great place to do some people watching. I'm always on the look out for a dog friend so I can bark out a greeting to them, too. Mom put one of my 3 dog beds by this window so I am comfortable. I sometimes take naps here, too. My Mom is so special and she always tries to make me happy.
My Dad is way cool! He bought this car organizer for all of my stuff. He found it at the car wash place down in Palm Springs. It has a pocket for my traveling water bowl and food dish. Mom always keeps 2 servings of my dog kibble in the organizer in case we are out touring around for a long time. See, I told you she was a great Mom. I also have my own water bottle in the organizer. I could always just drink out of Dad's water bottle and I wouldn't spit it in or anything. Really! Also in the organizer is a whole supply of "poop bags". I don't have to explain what those are for.
Here is another one of my dog beds. Mom and Dad keep it in the back of the Explorer so that I have a nice place to rest while we drive or if I have to stay back in the car while they go and do whatever it is Moms and Dads do.
This window guard is a really great thing my Mom found in the Dr's. Foster & Smith catalog. We have 2 of them. They fit into the back seat windows of the Explorer and I can get a lot of fresh air while we are parked somewhere. They also prevent somebody from sticking their hands inside the car to try and pet me. Of course, my Mom and Dad NEVER leave me alone in the car on a warm day. They always make sure I won't get too hot and they park in the shade if they can also. I have my water bowl filled before they leave so I can get lots of drinks while they are gone.
Going on picnics has always been a favorite thing to do. That means I get to get out of the car and have some fun with Mom and Dad. I can always find interesting things to do on a picnic. Like chase a squirrel! I'm always on the look out for squirrels. Mom always packs a dog treat for me too. When I see Dad bring the picnic cooler in from the outside storage in the RV, I know just what we're going to be doing. They can't get anything by me, that's for sure.
I seem to have developed severe heart disease. Yeah, that really sucks! Last Wednesday night my Mom and Dad came home from the store and I was excited to see them and I totally passed out cold or had a seizure in front of them. The doctor's think it was more of a fainting from lack of oxygen to my heart and brain, but it could have been a seizure. I just fell over sideways right there on the darn old rug. How embarrassing. Mom and Dad took me to the emergency veterinarian in Lacey (town by Tumwater) since my own vet office was closed for the night. Dr. Patterson at the ER did an exam and then said I had a major heart murmur going on. They did an x-ray and I was so stressed out about that I had another fainting/seizure with the doctor there. My x-rays showed an enlarged heart and liver. They also did an EKG...who knew they could do that on a dog? They began an I.V. plus Lasix for all the fluid I was carrying. They kept me there overnight and I had ANOTHER fainting spell. They had me in an oxygen cage all night long. Boy, I was sure racking up the bills for my Mom and Dad.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Fun With the "Grands" at Sand In The City....
The day dawned gloomy and cloudy (typical WA weather), but by the time we got down to the marina area the sun was shining. Here is a view of the marina area in Budd Inlet facing toward our capitol building. Olympia lies at the southern end of the Puget Sound and many folks have boats here.
I guess this guy really lost his head over the whole event!
In additional to enjoying the sculptures, the girls got to participate in the kid activities sponsored by our Hand's On Children's Museum here in town. They had a couple of giant sandboxes for the kids (we avoided those), face painting, bubble making, games, jewelry making booths and a petting zoo. The library was represented, too, and was handing each child a free book to take home.
After tiring of the sand fun, we all walked to the nearby Olympia Farmer's Market. This is one of the best farmer's markets in our state. Wonderful fruit and veggies on sale, plus craft items, a bakery, fresh flowers and live music to enjoy.
Here is one of the vegetable stands from a local grower.
The girls convinced Papa that they needed a brownie treat from the bakery.
From the Farmer's Market we walked back to the car and drove over to the mall and Chuck E. Cheese. We decided to take the girls there for lunch and let them play with the games for a while. Since the weather was so glorious outdoors, Chuck E. wasn't very crowded.
We bought the girls each a pizza. Papa and Grandma stuck with the salad bar for lunch. We are still carrying a few too many pounds after eating too much (read: pigging out) at Walt Disney World.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Campground Membership Programs....Yes? or No?
As usual there was a catch. The "free membership" (value: $1,995.00 so the coupon read) was only good for our home park. The home park had to be the K/M park closest to your residence. For us that was the Travel Inn in the town of Elma, which was about 25 miles from our home. Yippee, we get to travel all the way to Elma to go camping for free. So, we listened to the rest of the talk and it sounded so much better if we'd just opt for the deluxe membership. We decided to go for it and we bought the deluxe membership with Coast to Coast privileges included. This allowed us to camp at all 8 K/M parks (7 in WA and 1 in OR) for free, up to 2 weeks at a time, with no out time. It included the C-2-C Deluxe plan, which allowed us to camp at resorts within the 125-mile limit if it was a "Deluxe" park. It also included annual dues that were frozen, which is the only way to go if you ask me. The extra purchase was $2,537.00 out of our pocket. Within the next couple of months we used this membership....once. Fact is, my mom got very bad with her cancer and all of our activities came to a grinding halt as we helped her cope with this and help my Dad take care of her. Then Bruce's mom got sick a year later with terminal cancer. We were able to put our membership on hold and that included our annual dues. No money on dues was spent for 3 years while we dealt with all of our responsibilities at home.
In between our two mom's illnesses we got an offer from K/M to upgrade our membership. Hmmmm. Let's go see about this we thought. OK, cut to the included the Platinum Plus upgrade and the addition of AOR, ROD, ACN parks. We took it. Cost: $2,994.00 out of our pocket (and we still weren't camping)
Fast forward to 2005: Both of our mom's had passed away by this time. We were now able to resume camping (actually get started camping is more like it). My widowed dad was living with us and we just took him out traveling with us. He had a fantastic time and enjoyed the RV life...which he had never participated in before. We reinstated our campground memberships and paid our annual dues. We were good to go. RV's seem to be made for 2 adults, but if we didn't include dad we just weren't going to go. It was better for the 3 of us to get out together and see new places. I called us the "Three Musketeers". In 2005 we took dad to Alaska for 7 weeks and in 2006 we took him to Nova Scotia for the entire summer.
The big question for people is "Are campground memberships a good deal, and are they worth the money they cost?" The answer is really an individual one as no two people have the same circumstances. Just speaking for ourselves, we think we like it. Here is how it all breaks down for us in real numbers:
Total paid for entire membership: $5,531.00
Annual dues (frozen): $667.58 inc. K/M, C 2 C, ROD, ACN, AOR
Daily camping costs:
Coast to Coast = $10.00
Good Neighbor Parks (C 2 C system) = $15.00
Resorts of Distinction (ROD) = FREE
Adventure Outdoor Resorts (AOR) = $9.00 + $3.00 reservation fee
ACN Resorts = $10.00 + $3.00 reservation fee
When figuring the true cost of camping, you must take the camp fee and factor in the daily cost of the annual dues you are paying. For instance, with Coast to Coast we pay $10.00. Then we have to figure we pay what amounts to an additonal $1.83 per day for the annual dues cost. (That $1.83 is for ALL of our annual dues). A total then of $11.83 per day. Even if we don't stay at a membership park, you are in essence still paying the $1.83 per day no matter where you park it.
Also, you must factor in the original cost of buying into programs in the first place. You can amortize that over the length of time you own the membership, but we can't know the number of years for that yet as we aren't done with it. But for purposes of this post, let's take the number 7, since that is the number of years we've had the full membership. Purchase price of $5,531.00 amortized over 7 years equals $790.00 per year. Divide that by 365 days in a year and you get $2.16, which must be added to the cost of daily camping. Of course, every year you keep your membership that cost diminishes. If we keep our membership a total of 17 years it will then amortize to 89 cents per day. Confusing, I know.
We are currently staying in a private park in Tumwater which has no membership benefits. The cost here is $395.00 per month. Divide that by 30 days and that is $13.17. We must consider annual membership dues (because we still pay that) so add another $1.83 per day for a total cost per day here of $15.00. Still a bargain in my book.
Our camping costs for this last RV journey broke down like this:
Total days away from Tumwater = 160
Free camp spots = 10 days
Trailer Life Directory parks = 13 days (various cost from $20 to $32 per day)
Salem Village in Virginia = 45 days ($10 per day)
ROD parks = 7 days (free)
Coast to Coast parks = 16 days ($10 per day)
Good Neighbor parks = 33 days ($15 per day)
Walt Disney World = 25 days (an arm and a leg)
Winnebago factory (free) = 11 days
We wanted to visit my cousin in Salem, Virginia and there were no member parks there. We stayed for $10 a day at Salem Village. The Winnebago factory parking was free and included electric hook-up with 50 amp. Disney World is way over the top in expense, but we bite the bullet always stay there.
When we are out on the road, we always try to find a membership park to stay at first. If we can't find one, we will check out the Trailer Life Directory and look for the least expensive choice that suits our needs. We also look for casinos with free overnight parking, a truck stop like Flying J, or WalMart if it is for a one-night stopover.
There can be some restrictions on length of stay at all the member parks. At K/M we can stay for 2 weeks at a time, but can go to consecutive K/M parks without penalty. So, if we never wanted to pay rent, I guess we could go from K/M park to K/M park for quite a while. Individual programs for our other member parks have varying restrictions. The program you purchase will determine what those restrictions are.
NOTE: we were uninformed on the availability of purchasing a membership program in a secondary market. We paid full retail price. We could have saved a lot of money if we had known about a resale market for time shares and camp memberships. We didn't...paid full retail....but it's money spent long ago and nothing we can do about it now. I would suggest that anybody searching for a member program look first at a resale market deal.
We have no idea on how many years we will be fulltiming or "camping". We hope it will be for a long, long time. We do have one other type of camp membership and that is with Pismo Coast Village down in Pismo Beach, California. This is a different deal, a time share plan that only includes the one RV resort. For this resort you buy a share of corporate stock. (limit 3 shares per family) These are all purchased on a secondary, resale market now, as the number of shares was limited and they have long ago been sold out. We inherited 1 share of stock from Bruce's parents who bought it back in 1984. After we sold our house in 2008, we decided to purchase a second share of stock. Now we have 2 shares. The deal here is you are allowed 45 days a year to camp free for each share you own. So, we are allowed 90 days a year of camping for free. No annual dues at all and you never pay another cent to camp there. Of course, we laid out a chunk of cash to buy the stock. In over 25 years of business, the shares of stock have only dipped once in price on the resale market. We aren't looking to make a profit on the second share we bought. We know we will at least get our purchase price back when we sell it in the future. There is always a waiting list of new buyers since no new shares can be sold by Pismo Coast Village. It was regulated in the original corporate charter. Of course, we will make a big profit on the one share that we inherited since it sold originally to Mom and Dad long ago and we never paid a penny for it. Pismo Coast has 400 campsites and they reserve 2/3 of them for shareholders. The remaining 1/3 are rented out to the public for about $40 to $50 per night. That is how they get the funds to maintain the resort and keep camping free for shareholders. We have reservations at Pismo in January and will stay for about 5 weeks; I'll blog about our time there when we get there.
I hope this wasn't too confusing. I tried to incorporate all of my thoughts on the topic, plus give real dollars and cents figures on what it all costs us. Now, you need to decide for yourselves....YES? or NO?
Until next long for now.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Cleaning the Ultra Leather Couch
I wasn't sure what to use. We'd used a leather cleaner we got with the motorhome originally and it didn't seem to do anything productive. The couch material isn't "real leather" by definition I guess.
Next, I posted the question on how to clean it on forums. I got tons of answers and I mulled them all over before deciding. One lady that made a lot of sense to me said to use a solution of Ivory dish liquid and water, rinse with clean water and then dry. We didn't have Ivory on hand but we did have Dawn dish washing liquid (blue kind).
I mixed up a solution of about 2 Tbsp. dish liquid with a bucket of water and set Bruce to work with a nylon brush. Then he rinsed with cold, clean water and dried with a soft towel. Looked great! Then a couple of days later we got some Armorall wipes and used them to sort of condition the "leather". I think we've found the product to use from now on. Easy, cheap and the results were great.
Sorry, Margie and Roger about the slow reply to your question, but I just saw the comment today.
NOTE: when we still had our sticks-n-bricks house I had the carpet cleaned by a local company. When they were leaving the guy gave me a booklet they had prepared with all sorts of stains listed and how to clean them. One of the most common items listed as a cleaning solution in this booklet was Dawn dishwashing liquid (the blue kind). It was even suggested as a laundry pre-wash treatment and I have used it often for that since then.
Until next long for now.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Back to Tumwater, Our "Hometown"
Once we got to Tumwater, we took exit #102 off Interstate 5 to get to our local park of choice. We choose to stay at the Allimor Estates Mobile Home/RV Park. Putting "estates" into the name of the park makes it sound glamorous....and it ain't! Although, when we pulled into the park we did notice some changes had been made in our absence. The owner and manager had installed about 6 new RV spaces with gravel pads. They had also upgraded all the utility hookups, but did not change any to 50 amp. (darn it!) There are two very wonderful RV campgrounds in the next door town of Olympia, but their monthly rate is $200 greater than the Allimor Park, which is $395.00 per month. No question for us then...we stay at Allimor if they have a vacancy. The management here is very nice and helpful. We're happy enough here.
Here is our motorhome parked in space #114. The Safari motorhome parked next to us is the manager's and it is for sale as he bought one of the mobile homes in the park.
We need to be here by our kids and grandkids for a few months now. We enjoy a nice relationship with all of them and even though we fulltime it....I need my grandchildren fix every now and again. In the next few months I plan to take photos of our area in Washington and blog about our life here.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
True Confession Time
I was rather a skinny child growing up and did not have a weight issue. I did have a very big appetite, though. Unfortunately, I didn't stay skinny but the big appetite hung in there as an adult. In an effort to get healthier and lose weight, I joined Weight Watcher's 5 years ago. I lost a little over 50 lbs. in 9 months. Bruce followed the program with me and he lost about 35 lbs. I've managed to keep those 50 lbs. off for the past 4 years. Since leaving Tumwater in March, I've gained about 11 lbs. So what happened?
For one thing, we lost our focus with the WW program. And for another, that wonderful, tasty, fattening food out here on the open road called to us everyday. I keep my scale with me in the motorhome and I weigh every single day and record it on my calendar. I just kept writing down those bigger numbers as we went merrily along.
Driving West Through South Dakota
We picked up I-90 in Blue Earth, Minnesota after driving through more farmland in Iowa. Lots and lots of farmland. Ate a breakfast of English Muffins and coffee at McDonald's in Blue Earth and were once again on our way.
It isn't a great distance before you enter South Dakota. The first time we drove through South Dakota was on a family vacation in 1987. We all thought is was a horrid place....dry, desolate, no scenery. Over the years we've totally changed our opinion and do not mind driving through this state. It really has a certain beauty...although barren in places.....when you can look at the blue sky above the high plains. Really nice.
At the town of Chamberlain (exit 263) there is a nice rest area/overlook. We pulled off to stretch our legs and walk Annie. From this overlook, you can get a nice view of the great Missouri River.
We walked 2 blocks from the little RV park to the center of Wall. Wall is famous for just being a tourist stop (trap) and it goes back to the 1930's. In 1931, pharmacist Ted Hustead and his family moved there to start their own business. He opened "Wall Drug". Business wasn't too great but they hung in there for 5 years. Then one day his wife had an idea. Cars were always driving along the highway by Wall, but they never stopped. Dorothy Wall's idea was to offer travelers free ice water to drink. That did it, and people began pulling into town to get some ice water to drink. One thing led to another, and Ted and Dorothy began serving snacks. They put signs out on the highway like the old Burma Shave signs to attract tourists attention. Soon, they had a thriving business with a cafe, gift shop, and the ice water. Today, Wall Drug is bigger than ever. It is a series of connecting buildings with lots to offer the curious traveler. You can buy cowboy hats, boots, western art, posters, knick knacks, souvenirs and food.
Out in what they call the Backyard, Bruce decided to try a sample of the famous "free water".
The town has grown along with Wall Drug. Across the street you can find many other gift shops and some restaurants too. You can also look at and buy some Black Hills Gold jewelry.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Work finally completed, we leave Iowa tomorrow...
This is the "before" photo. It shows the view from our front kitchen looking back toward the bedroom. You can see that we had carpet on all floor area excluding the kitchen. Annie decided she didn't want to move when I aimed the camera.
In this "After" photo you can see the wider expanse of kitchen flooring. We had wanted (hoped for) the tile to be installed within the entire center area of the living room; from the couch to the dining table. Due to the operation of the slideouts, carpeting had to remain in those 2 areas where the slides retract into the room for traveling. There is a difference in the sub-floor level in the 2 areas. If they had installed tile in the entire area we had planned on, the slide outs would not have operated correctly when coming into the room and all sorts of trouble would have been caused. In the 2008 and 2009 model Tour, there is tile in all the floor area and they accounted for that when engineering those slideout rooms.
Removing the carpet and adding the tile was on our dime. This was an elective issue and had nothing to do with our insurance claim on the slides. Since this work was done at our expense, and we feel we spent enough, we will be happy with what we have so far. At least we have a wide path with the tile and it will work just fine. In a few years, we will have new carpeting installed in the remaining carpet areas...and we will select a darker color! In the meantime, the old carpet does not affect our enjoyment of the fulltime life or prevent us from still getting out there and having a grand old time! Hooray for fulltiming !!!!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again
As I picked up each item for the kitchen cabinets, I gave thought to how many times I'd used that item or how often it was used. I figured if I hadn't used something from our food cabinets in a year, I probably didn't need it or want it any longer. If I used something only once or twice during the past year, I figured it didn't warrant the space it was taking up. Space is at a premium as all RVer's know. (not to mention the weight of carrying useless items) I chucked out my Bisquick...didn't use it. I did likewise with my cocoa powder and 3 boxed cake mixes. If we want a cake, we'll go out and buy one already baked. I keep all food items in closed Tupperware containers, with a couple of Rubbermaid thrown in. I LOVE Tupperware. This is how the one cabinet looked after the reorganization.
These are the overhead cabinets in the bedroom that are finally usable. I like to keep our linens in these cabinets and we have plenty of room for them. Ohhhhh, these cabinets smell so clean and fresh now.
In the spirit of cleaning day, Bruce decided to clean our ultra leather couch and chair in the living area. Annie the Schnauzer, likes to rub her muzzle all along the bottom of the couch and it gets really dirty. Isn't that sweet? :( He spent about an hour doing the cleaning job.
Once the job was complete, the couch really looked as good as new.
I really have to give big kudos to Winnebago and the job they did in removing the mold/mildew from our slide outs and rebuilding them. The workmanship was fantastic and everything looks so beautiful. We are very glad that we decided to hold off on those repairs until we could get up here to Forest City. This is our second trip to Winnebago with this RV and we could not be happier with the level of customer service and the work done by the techs here.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Fulltime RV Life...We're No Experts
Bruce and I have always loved to travel, especially by motorhome. We bought our first RV in 1988 and it was a Class C Lazy Daze. We traded that in later for a 1990 Class A. We were hooked after that. In 1993-1994 we had a short stint as fulltimers in our Pace Arrow Class A. In late 1994 we bought a sticks-n-bricks house in Washington and then vacationed by RV for a few years, being gone for a month to 6 months at a time. We got the opportunity to become fulltimers once again in 2008 after my Dad passed away. And here we are!
We were some of the lucky ones in the summer of '08 whose house actually sold in only 3 months. After a month more for escrow, we moved into our RV home on Aug. 1, 2008. We got a space in our town of Tumwater for a couple of weeks to get things better organized in the motorhome.
Here is a photo of my fulltime buddy enjoying Cops on TV. This is the life.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Good to Go Now...PTL
After the inspection by the adjuster, he came out to the waiting area with Winnebago's insurance rep. It was agreed that our claim was valid and the work could now continue. Praise the Lord for that. The adjuster verified that there was no way, as owners, we could have known or foreseen the leaking problem that resulted in the mold contamination. The work being done will amount to something around $10,000 by the time they get the second slide section finished. We have a $500 deductible as our responsibility. Fine and dandy.
They will still have a few days work to do on the RV, but we are content to sit and wait since the cost to us will be minimal now.
Until next long for now.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Stumbling Block with Insurance
Insurance will only pay for 5 nights at the motel and we will now run over that time frame. Gee....they could have saved us all this trouble by saying they wanted an adjuster to come out BEFORE the motorhome was torn apart to repair it. We understand the need for the adjuster, our complaint is how they went about getting that started. When will the adjuster get here???? We have no clue. Our agent had left the office for the day after we got word of this and we have to wait until tomorrow morning to talk with him.
Gilda Radner said, "It's Always Something" and she was so right!
I've got a giant headache now. Good thing I got the Tylenol out of the RV and brought it to the motel with us. Something told me I'd be needing it before this nightmare is over.
Check back tomorrow for the continuing saga of "the moldy motorhome".
OK, Here's the Thing....
The work is getting finished on the 2 slide out sections of our Tour motorhome. As we assumed, there was a lot of mold up in the top of the slide outs between the roof and the inside ceiling of the slides. Service technicians here had to rip off the roof, insulation, plywood barrier and the ceiling on the inside. Now they will rebuild it all. We are hoping (can we say praying here?) that this will all go as planned and be covered by the comprehensive clause on our insurance.
Why the insurance you may ask? Well, we were in Palm Springs when we got hit with a very, very strong windstorm. The winds were so strong we feared being blown over, so we pulled in both slide outs for the rest of the night. The next day we saw that the awnings over the slides had been damaged. We got out of Palm Springs that very day before any more wind could wreak havoc. So, this should qualify under the comprehensive coverage because the damage was done during this windstorm.
We went to our local dealer and they repaired what they saw as damage. OK...we thought...that's taken care of. Then in April, we saw that one of the tension rods wasn't working correctly on the driver side slide awning. We went to a local service repair in Virginia (Winnebago authorized dealer) and had that replaced. OK...we thought....that's taken care of.
A while after that was when we began to smell that musty, moldy odor in the overhead cupboards over our bed. It got so bad we couldn't put anything in them. By this time we were down in Homestead, Florida. We called Winnebago factory to see about an appointment to have this all checked out. We were set to go into Disney World in early June and wanted an appointment for around the 6th of July. We couldn't get one until Aug. 3.
After service techs looked into everything here it was determined that during the windstorm the rails that hold the awning system to the coach were lifted ever so slightly by the heavy wind and got bent enough that some of the screws holding it were ripped out. We couldn't see this even if we'd looked. Why the service techs at the 2 previous dealerships didn't see it or look for it, I can't say. Apparently, water seeped under the slide roof through those tiny screw holes and that caused all the damage.
So, we are waiting for everything to be completed and hopefully be out of here by the weekend. They had to completely remove the slide units and that is why we had to go to the motel.
In spite of this big problem, we feel lucky compared to some of the people getting work done here. Wow, some of them have terrible things wrong with their motorhomes. I won't complain about our motorhome anymore. Well, maybe a little bit. :)
We've gotten to know this tiny town of Forest City real well. I won't mind getting out of here as soon as possible, though. Enough is enough.
Stay tuned until next long for now!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Forest City, Iowa and Winnebago
Next to the County Courthouse is this memorial to the area's veterans who gave their lives in service to their country. They even have listings for Civil War Veterans who served and then those that lost their lives.
South of the downtown area is this tree lined neighborhood. It has a mixture of homes from many eras. You can see early Victorian styles as well as mid-twentieth century homes.
Here are two examples of the earlier Victorian homes we found on our walking tour of the town.