We each have our jobs to do around the good old RV home, and one of mine is defrosting the freezer. There are many other jobs that are a lot more unpleasant, but I still hate this freezer job. I wish I had a frost-free freezer, but I don't know if they even make those for RV's....and ours works fine and I couldn't afford to replace it anyway. So, buck up and just get the dang job done, I tell myself!
I always know when it is time (even if I never opened the freezer to look inside) because our ice maker sort of groans at us when it is trying to unload the ice tray inside. This time of year it makes more ice than we really use, so I sometimes throw half a bin of ice away. During the summer, there is no way I'm throwing away ice!
So I armed myself with a few kitchen towels, a pan of hot...not boiling...water and began the great job of getting rid of the frost that had accumulated on the back of the freezer and around the ice maker. In a relatively short period of time I had the job done and I put all the frozen food back into both sides of the freezer and shut the door. Hopefully, I won't have to do that for another 2 months or more.
Here in Western Washington we are gearing up for a cold front that will be moving in soon. I check the internet weather page often. I don't want that "you know what falling" and catch us unprepared....and I'm hoping that this cold front doesn't bring rain with it that will turn into that dreaded "S" word. Of course, the weather report changes often so what I see today may not be what will happen in the days ahead. I did see that very soon our high temperatures will not be above freezing. Oh, wonderful. One time I checked the web it said that on Sunday the low would be 15 degrees F. WHAT? I was cold just thinking about that. Then this evening when I looked again, the prediction had changed for Sunday to a low of 22 degrees F. OK, that's better but not much.
26 days from now and we'll be on our way south, and hopefully, to warmer weather. That will be a welcome change.
Until next time......so long for now!
6 hours ago